As a self-funded ministry, we accept donations to continue serving people’s counseling needs.
Clearcreek Chapel Counseling Center is supported by the General Fund of Clearcreek Chapel and donations by those who want to support this ministry. We invite you to give to support biblical counseling in the Dayton area. All donations are used to support the Center and to ensure that the counseling is offered free of charge.
If you have profited from the counseling or would love to see this work grow for the glory of Christ, then please click on the donate button below. All donations to Clearcreek Chapel Counseling Center are tax deductible. Our donations are accepted through PayPal.
You may use your credit card without a PayPal account or donate through your PayPal account.
(Please add a “Chapel Counseling Center” note after choosing your payment method.)
To pay for training, please visit our training page and use the payment area.