Help and hope from
God’s word

Counseling Philosophy

We believe God created world, but now it’s fallen, and the Bible is His sufficient guide for faith and life. Through Scripture, we offer counseling that helps people love God and others through faithful obedience.

A Biblical Approach

Our counseling ministry, rooted in the local church, seeks to bring lasting heart change through God’s Word and Spirit. We address both outward behavior and inward desires, guiding individuals toward repentance, faith, and practical steps for a transformed life.

Certified Counseling Center

Our counselors are certified by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), ensuring they meet rigorous standards of biblical wisdom, care, and integrity. Clearcreek Chapel is also an ACBC Certified Training Center, equipping others to provide faithful, Scripture-based counseling through comprehensive training programs.

Biblical Counseling

Compassionate, Scripture-based guidance to address life’s struggles with truth, love, and practical steps for lasting change.

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ACBC Counselor Training

Comprehensive training designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to become certified biblical counselors.

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Specialization Training

Advanced training programs focusing on key areas like marriage, reconciliation, and overcoming life-dominating struggles.

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We’re here, ready to help with God’s word.